7th house in astrology

7th House Astrology in My Birth Chart

What is my 7th house astrology as per my horoscope?

In our Vedic astrology 7th house is known as the house of spouse. 7th house astrology is related to our married life and relationship. So, you can assume that the 7th house has huge importance in our life.

Kaalpurush concept of 7th house in Vedic Astrology

In Kaalpurush chart 7th house has a Libra sign. So, the Libra sign can give an impact on the 7th house. Libra sign belongs to the abdominal body part below the navel. So, the 7th house in astrology will be related to the abdominal body part below the navel.

7th house in astrology will be related to Our Sexual hormone

Our sexual hormone is related to the 7th house. So, any sort of hormonal problem is related to the 7th house. Ladies problems are seen from the 7th house in the horoscope.

7th house

Seventh house is the Kendra house in astrology

In Vedic astrology, the 7th house is related to the Kendra House. As a Kendra house, the 7th house is responsible for stability in our life.

Seventh house the house of Spouse in horoscope

In our Vedic astrology 7th house is related to our life partner. So, any sort of matters related to wife or husband will be related to the 7th house in astrology. The 7th house is also the House of Marriage.

When we want to know about the timing of marriage or relationship with the wife then we have to focus on 7th house astrology. Marriage is a big matter in our life and lots of question is related to the 7th house. Such as

So, all sorts of the astrological answer to the above question will be related to the 7th house in the birth chart.

7th house and our Sexual conduct

In our Vedic astrology 7th house will be related to our Sexual conduct. Our sexual temper will be related to the 7th house. Some person has high sexual desires and others will have a cold attitude regarding the relationship. We can know such internal behaviour with help of 7th house astrology.

Travel House in our horoscope

The 7th house is one of our travelling houses in the horoscope. 1st house is our birthplace. The 7th house is opposite of 1st house. So, the 7th house is related to the faraway place from the birthplace.

The 7th house is also related to the road in our horoscope. We can also consider 7th house for far distance travelling or foreign travelling. Even journey among journey will be related to 7th house.

7th house the Partnership House in our Horoscope

In our Astrology, there are concepts of Bhavat Bhavam. The 7th house is bhavat bhavam for the 10th house. Because 7th house is 10th from 10th house. So, the 7th house will give an impact on 10th house matters.

  • 7th house is the house of Partnership.
  • So, whether we have to get success in any partnership matters or not will be related to 7th house astrology.

The 7th house is also known as a business house. Because profession will be related to 10th house and 7th house is 10th from 10th means place of business. Distributorship or Fransiches business are related to the 7th house.

7th house the house of Politics

4th house is Democracy. The 10th house is Statehood. The 7th house is the only house that is related to both democracy and Statehood. So, the 7th house will be the natural house for Politics. Our political success and growth will depend on the 7th house.

Marriage house - 7th house astrology

7th house will have a huge impact on our Name & Fame

  • 9th house will be karaka of Name & fame.
  • 10th house is related to our Social image.
  • So, the 7th house will impact our name fame and social respect.
  • When we need to check for awesome names & fame then the 7th house will give a major indication about world-famous personality.

Aboard study will depend on the 7th house astrology

The 7th house is the house that can impact our education plus the house of travelling. So, aboard study, related questions will be easily sorted out with the help of 7th house astrology. Some time 7th house plays a major role in the completion of our study.

7th house the Powerful Kama House in Vedic astrology

In our Birth chart 7th house is known for the Kama house. Among other Kama houses, the 7th house is the most powerful Kama house in the horoscope. By the way, the 3rd, 7th,11th house is the Kama house in the horoscope.

7th house and Maraka house in the horoscope

Maraka means who cause death in the horoscope. The 8th house is related to our Lifespan. So, the 7th house will be indicating the loss of Lifespan. That’s why the 7th house is known as the Marak house in the horoscope.

Marak house will indicate the root cause of death in our horoscope. The 7th house will also give indications about health issues in a birth chart.

Karak Planet of 7th house in Vedic Astrology

Venus is the Karaka planet for the 7th house regarding marriage, sexual matters, wife or husband.

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