12 houses in astrology

12 houses In Astrology and Their Secret Meanings

Concept of 12 houses in astrology as per Vedic point of views

12 houses in astrology are the most important concept of Vedic astrology. The common meaning of Bhava or house in Vedic culture is what is the feeling or stand or values or importance of particular things. We frequently translate bhava with House in astrology.

Every Horoscope has 12 houses or Bhava in astrology and each house has a particular meaning in Vedic astrology. We used each bhava natural significance in our prediction. For a better command of our prediction, we must have a very deep understanding of each bhava.

How to decide Bhava or 12 houses in astrology

Look at the chart for understanding and location of each bhava. The position of Each house is always the same in any astrological chart. That’s why we don’t need to write the above number to represent the 12 houses in astrology.

12 houses or bhava in astrology

I clarify this because in our chart number in any house will represent the sign or Rashi in that bhava.

Real example of 12 houses in Vedic astrology

Let’s look at another example horoscope

In this example, we have seen that 5 is written in the 1st house this means the 1st house has Leo sign.  In the same way, the 4th house has a number 8 written which means the 4th house has Scorpion sign.  Hope you got it. By the way, this chart is known as the North Indian style of horoscope to represent 12 houses in astrology.

representation of sign in 12 houses in astrology

Let’s look at a real horoscope which is made through Vedic astrology software.

This is an actual example of a Horoscope. Here we look 1st house has written number 6 then it means this is Virgo sign in 1st horoscope. Let’s look at views here we have also seen planets are written in the horoscope.

Example chart of 12 houses in astrology

For example Saturn in the 6th house in the sign of Aquarius.  Ketu in 8th house in the sign of Aries. Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are in the 4th house in the Sign of Sagittarius. Hope you understand how to look at 12 houses in astrology for horoscope reading. 

Name of 12 Houses in Vedic Astrology

  • First house is known as Lagna house or Ascendant house.
  • Second house is known as Dhana house or wealth house.
  • Third house is known as Bhartri house or brother house.
  • 4th house is known as Matri house or Mother house.
  • 5th house is known as Putra Bhava or children house.
  • The 6th house is known as Shatru bhava or enemy house.
  • 7th house is known as Dara bhava or Spouse house.
  • 8th house is known as Mrityu bhava or death house.
  • 9th house is known as Pitru bhava or Father house.
  • 10th house is known as Karma bhava or profession house.
  • 11th house is known as Labha bhava or profit house.
  • 12th house is known as Vyaya bhava or house of expense.

We will cover all 12 houses in astrology in detail in our this series of articles.

Special house groups of 12 houses in Vedic astrology

Let’s understand some special house groups in the horoscope.

Kendra house – 1st house, 4th house, 7th house and 10th house is known as Kendra house.  We consider Kendra house has a Pillar of horoscope.

Trine house – 1st, 5th & 9th house is known as Trine house in the horoscope. We consider Trine house for prosperity.

Dussthan House – 3rd,6th, 8th, 12th house is considered as dussthan house. We consider dussthan as an evil house or bad house in the horoscope.

Upachaya house – 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th house is known as Upachaya house in the horoscope. We consider Upachaya house as will be more powerful as time passes in our life.

Kendra, Trine, Upachaya and Dussthan are the most important concept of 12 houses in astrology. 

Trine & Kendra houses in astrology
Dusstha House in astrology

Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha house in astrology

1st, 5th and 9th houses are known as Dharma houses. Dharma house will be standing for religious values in our life.

2nd, 6th, 10th will be known for Artha house. Artha house stands for our financial values in our life.

3rd, 7th, 11th houses will be known as the Kama house. Kama house will be correlated with our lust or desires in our life.

The 4th, 8th,12th houses will be known as Moksha houses. Moksha house will be co-related with liberation or spiritualism.

We will learnt about all 12 houses in astrology one by one. 

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