Mridhu Nakshatra

Mridhu Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

What is the meaning of Mridhu Nakshatra as per Vedic Astrology

Mridu nakshatra is also known as soft nakshatra or Maitra nakshatra. Below 4 nakshatra is known as Mridu Nakshatra

Nature & quality of Mridhu Nakshatra as per Vedic astrology

As we know that, nakshatra will show nature as per their name. So, Mridhu nakshatra will have soft nature. They will have friendly nature. Soft nakshatra will show an easygoing attitude. Mridhu nakshatra will have sensitive nature.

Venus & Mridhu nakshatra connection in Vedic astrology

Friday is also known as Mridhu Var. So, Venus has an important role in Mridhu Nakshatra. We can also say that Venus will be lord of Mridhu nakshatra. Soft nakshatra will be under influence of Venus. Mridhu nakshatra has luxurious inclinations toward life. Sometimes they will attract the opposite gender.

Mridhu Soft Nakshatra

Use of Mridhu Nakshatra in Predictive astrology

Native born in Mridhu nakshatra has soft nature. They will be productive in nature. Native has luxurious inclinations. They will be sensual in nature. Mridhu nakshatra will have creative and artistic qualities.

Any planet placed in Mridhu nakshatra will give productive results during their dasha or antardasha. The natural beneficial planet will give name fame & money during their dasha. Even a malefic planet will give negative results in slow motions.

During transit malefic planet will be not much harmful. Beneficial planets will give good results during transit.

Mridhu nakshatra in Muhurta Astrology

As we know that Moon Nakshatra has huge importance to decide any muhurta. Mridhu nakshatra will use in the below acts

  • Any sort of auspicious deeds will be considered fruitful on the day of Mridhu nakshatra.
  • Sexual union or first day-night is good on the auspicious day of Maitra nakshatra.
  • A love proposal or new friendship will be fruitful on the day of Mridhu nakshatra.
  • If you want to wear new jewellery or are interested in making new jewellery will be fruitful in Mridhu nakshatra.
  • Learning music, dancing or games or performing such acts will be fruitful on the day of Mridhu nakshatra.
  • Wear new clothes or Pagadi will be fruitful in Mridhu nakshatra.

Use of Mridhu nakshatra in medical astrology

The intensity of disease starting on the Mridhu nakshatra will be slow but may be long-lasting. Sometimes due to the slow intensity of the disease, a doctor is not easily able to catch the actual problems. But don’t ignore that the disease starts on the day of Mridhu nakshatra. Even a planet placed in Mridhu nakshatra will act like a sweet poison regarding the disease.  

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