Char Nakshatra

Char Nakshatra in Vedic astrology

What is Char Nakshatra in Vedic astrology

Char words meaning is Movable. So, nakshatra having Movable nature is grouped as Char Nakshatra. Below are the Char Nakshatra

  • ‌Swati
  • ‌Punarvasu
  • ‌Sharawana
  • ‌Dhanistha
  • ‌Shatbhisha

Quality of Char Nakshatra

Char Nakshatra has Movable in nature. So, Char or Chal Nakshatra is showing instability. We can also co-related Char Nakshatra with Movement. Char Nakshatra will give fast results in prediction. Restless nature will be another quality of Char Nakshatra.

Char Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

What is the impact of Char Nakshatra in Predictive astrology

If any person born on the day of Char Nakshatra (Moon nakshatra) has a quality of Char Nakshatra in their nature. He may be fickle minded. Such people may be travel lovers. He may be restless in nature and very active. Native’s mood may be frequently swimming.

In the same ways, any planet placed in Char Nakshatra will give fast results. But their results may be not long-lasting. During dasha and antardasha of the planet, the native may change his place or some changes in their life is possible.

Char Nakshatra and Muhurta astrology

Char Nakshatra is considered useful in deciding the Muhurta.

  • ‌Travelling on Char Nakshatra is considered fruitful.
  • ‌Purchase of Vehicles or Vehicle-related activities is considered good in Char Nakshatra.
  • ‌Doing any sort of exhibition activity on the day of Char Nakshatra is very fruitful.
  • ‌Starting any creative activity will be best on the day of Char Nakshatra.
  • ‌Starting Mantra Siddhi on the day of Char Nakshatra will be given success in a short time.
  • ‌If you are planning any tour & travel activities then you can choose Char Nakshatra.
  • ‌Starting cutting & finishing Gems stone on Char Nakshatra will give success in a short time.
  • ‌Starting treatment on the day of Char Nakshatra will cure the disease in a short time.
  • ‌Doing plough to the field or Tractor related activities on your farm is considered fruitful on the day of Char Nakshatra.
  • ‌You can take a loan on the day of Char Nakshatra. Taking a loan on the Char Nakshatra will be easy to repay.
  • ‌Doing astrological remedies for the transit of the Planet on the day of Char Nakshatra is considered best.
  • Apart from this, you can use Char Nakshatra for doing any sort of Movable nature Jobs.

Role of Monday regarding Char Nakshatra

As per Vedic astrology, Char Nakshatra is related to the quality of the Moon. So, Char Nakshatra has a huge impact on Moon. Monday is also considered as Char Vara. So, any sort of activity related to Char Nakshatra will be very fruitful on the day of Char Nakshatra.

Char Nakshatra in Medical astrology

The nature of Nakshatra is very useful to Predict recovery from disease. If Your disease starts on the day of Char Nakshatra then it will be recovered in a short time. Any planet placed in Char Nakshatra that causes disease then it will be recovered in a short time.

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