Ashtakoot matching

Why Ashtakoot Matching is very popular in Kundali Milan

What is Ashtakoot matching in matchmaking

Ashtakoot matching is formed with two words Ashta and Koota. Word Ashta means eight and Koota means part or division. So, Ashtakoot is formed with eight types of matching. Ashtakoot matching is based on Moon nakshatra matching.

Eight type of Ashtakoot Matching & Ashtakoot points

Let’s know the eight types of koota. 

  1. Varna matching– 1st koota is Varna. The Varna indicates mental behaviours.  In ashtakoot matching Varna has allotted 1 point.


  2. Vasya Matching – 2nd koota is Vasya koota. The Vashya indicates our physical behaviours or physical comfortability. Vashya has allotted 2 points in ashtakoot matching.


  3. Tara Matching – Tara is 3rd koota in ashtakoot. In match making, Tara matching is related to relationship matching between birth stars. Tara matching is based on the Navtara concept. In matching,Tara matching has allotted 3 points in matchmaking.
  4. Yoni Matching – Yoni matching is 4th koota in ashtakoot matching. 4 points allotted to yoni matching in ashta koota matching. Yoni matching is related to sexual comfortability matching between couples.


  5. Graha Maitri Matching – 5th koota matching is Graha Maitri matching. Planet friendship or Graha maitri of planet has allotted 5 points. Graha Maitri is based on natural friendship among planets. Planet friendship matching indicates support from each other.


  6. Gana Matching – Gana matching is the 6th koota in matchmaking. Out of 36 points, Gana matching allotted to 6 points. The Gana matching is indicating the way of thinking of the mind of couples.


  7. Bhakoot Matching – 7th koota in matchmaking is Bhakoot matching. The Bhakoot matching is allotted to 7 points. Bhakoot matching based on Moon sign relationship of couples. So, Bhakoot matching belongs to cooperation between couples.


  8. Nadi Matching – Nadi matching is last koota or 8th koota in ashtakoot matching. The Nadi matching has allotted 8 points. Nadi matching is considered the most important matching. Even couples don’t have Nadi matching then we frequently avoid marriage. Nadi matching is related to childbirth.

All the above are the eight parts of Ashtakoota. The total points allotted to ashtakoota is 36, which is the total of all the koota points.

Ashtakoot matching Point

Minimum Ashtakoota point requirement in matchmaking for Marriage

Ashtakoot has 36 points. Generally, marriage is recommended if the couple gets a minimum of 18 points out of 36 points. But we have to must check why matching has such a low point. If the chart has the following dosha then marriage is not recommended

We will discuss all the points one by one at the end of our match matching series.

When Marriage is possible in Kundali Milan as per ashtakoot matching

If match matching has a minimum of 18 points then marriage will be possible. But such type of matching doesn’t have Gana, Nadi, Tara and bhakoot dosha.

If matching doesn’t have cancellation of dosha then we should avoid such marriage. Below the 18 points, matching doesn’t consider good for marriage.

At the same time, we have to consider Manglik matching.

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