Nadi matching

Why Nadi Matching has huge importance in Kundali Milan

Important of Nadi Matching in Match making

Nadi matching is the most important among all of the others koot matching. That’s why it is allocated the highest point in matchmaking. Nadi matching has 8 points out of 36 points in Ashtakoot Matching. 

Type of Nadi in Matching

There are 3 types of Nadi.

  • Adi
  • Madhya
  • Anta

Allotment of Nadi as per Nakshatra for Matching

Below is the table of Nadi as per nakshatra.

  • 1)Adi Nadi – Ashwini, Ardra, Punarvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Moola, Shatabhisha or Poorvabhadrapada

  • 2)Madhya Nadi – Bharni, Mrigasira, Pushya, Purva Phalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Purvashada, Dhanishta or Uttarabhadrapada

  • 3)Antya Nadi— Krittika, Rohini, Ashlesha, Magha, Swathi, Vishka, Uttarashada, Sharavana or Revathi
Nadi-matching is the base of horoscope

Why Nadi Matching has Huge importance in Matchmaking

Nadi matching is based on Pitta, Kapha and Vata. Nadi matching is considered very important regarding childbirth. If Couples has Same Nadi then such type of Matching is creating Nadi dosha. We should avoid such types of Marriage. 

Horoscope Matching Analysis

Get your Matchmaking Report from our Expert Astrologer.  For healthy and comfortable Marriage relationship Kundali Milan may be must  in this modern era. 

Method of Nadi Matching

Nadi matching has very simple rules. The same Nadi is creating Nadi dosha, When couples have different Nadi then Very good for Matching.

  • If couples have different Nadi then 8 Points will be allocated.
  • But, if couples have the same Nadi then 0 points are allocated.

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Nadi Dosha and Impact in Nadi Matching

As we discussed above, if couples have the same Nadi then create Nadi dosha. Actually, couples have the same Nadi then both couples have the same Prakriti of Tridosha( Pitta, Kapha or Vata).

Once after the union of couples, a child is born then his body has an excess of Tridosha of particular elements. As a result, either kid has health problems or sometimes problems regarding conception.

Some schools of thought co-related Nadi with Rx of blood. It is scientifically proven facts that if both partners have the same Rx of blood then some sort of issues regarding child birth is possible.

  • Our classical books of astrology said that
  • If the couple has the same Adi Nadi then the chance of separation is high.
  • Same Madhya Nadi in matching can cause for the death of any of couples.
  • If the couple has the same Antya Nadi may cause the death of the husband.

But issues regarding Childbirth is most acceptable theory and proven in current astrological research. 

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