Impact Of Date Of Birth 21 Or Personality Number 21

Effect of Numerology on people born on 21th day of any calendar month

1) Any people born on 21th of any calendar month has personality number 21 and belongs to number 3. Number 21 made from Number 2 and Number 1 and its total is 3. So Number 21 has natural significant of number 1, Number 2 and Number 3. Or we can say internal power of Moon and Sun after association reflect the nature of Number 3.

Number 21 = 2 + 1 = 3

Moon + Sun = Jupiter

Internal Power of Moon and Internal Power Sun = Converted to Jupiter

2) Native may be handsome and attractive by look. He has sincer by look and attract others. Native may be kind and large hearted. He may be ambitious by nature. He may be jolly and happy minded. He may be fortunate.

3) Native may be wise and intelligent by nature. He may be scholar and philosopher from mind. He may be multi talented. He has good sense of humours. He respect others thoughts. He may looks any matters in very simple ways, even on serious matters.

4) Native may be imaginative and creative by nature. He may be doing their work from internal heart. He has many sort of internal power and capacity. He will use his power for his livelihood. He will apply his own idea and principle in his working styles. He has strong willpower.

5) Native may be emotional and some time nervous. He may be sensitive from nature. He need to cooperation from others. He may be independent and freedom lover. He may be full with self proudness. He may be mentally active. He has restless from mind but mentally strong. He doesn’t take unnecessary help of others. He will always try to agree everybody on his words and make sure others will follow his instructions. Some times he may be rigid by nature.

6) Native may has many friends and well known person in society. He has good name & fame and popular among public. He will be crowded by many people. He may be good orator and good communicating styles. He may be polite and friendly in behaviour. He may be carrying from nature. He may be responsible from nature.

7) Native may has good administrative power. Native may has good success in his life. He has good leadership quality. He has many sort of enemies.

8) Native may be getting success in administrative jobs. He may be getting success in advisor or counselor or lecture. He may be getting success in judiciary field. He may be head of any trust or religious or charitable institution. He may be getting success in politics. He may be good lawyer or physician. He may be getting success in writing and blogging or speaker. He may be success in work related to his natural talents. He may getting success in drama and management jobs. He may getting success in creative team work. He may be getting success in planning or decision making committee.

9) Native may be suffering from throat infection or dumbness. He may be suffering from cholesterol related issues. He may be suffering from neurological problem. He may be suffering from physical and mental stress due to over workload. He may be suffering from body pains. Native may easily comes under influence of season or climate change. He may be suffering from digestive problem such as gastric etc. He may be suffering from mental stress.

10) Number 21 may has lucky day is Thursday and other favorable day are Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. His lucky number will be 3 and other favorable numbers are 1, 2 and 9. His love relationship will be good with 6 and 9.

11) His lucky stone be pukhraj or yellow sapphire. He can also wear amethyst. Another substitute are moon stone, amber, topaz, citrine, tiger eye or yellow hakik. His lucky colors is light yellow. His another favorable colors cream or crimson.

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