Trimurti Nakshatra

Trimurti Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

What is the Trimurti Concept of Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

Trimurti is a famous concept of Our Sanatna Vedic Religions. Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh is known as Trimurti. In Vedic astrology, nakshatra is also divided into 3 types based on the Trimurti concept of Nakshatra. 

What is Trimurti dev and what is their role in Vedic Astrology

All universe is based on a simple thumb rule

  • Creation or Srishti
  • Maintenance or Sthiti
  • Destruction or Samhara

This means any things created in this universe after growth must go for destruction. This is the continued sequence of this universe and the simple and fixed rule of this universe.

That’s why we have Trimurti dev and each has its unique duty. And they are bounded by their universal duty. Below is Trimurti’s dev

  1. Brahma – The God of creation
  2. Vishnu – The God of maintenance
  3. Mahesh – The God of Destruction

Each God has to do their allotted work to run this universe. 

Trimurti Concept of Nakshatra

In the same ways, as per nature and quality, Nakshatra has divided into 3 groups and each group has 9 nakshatras. This concept is famous as Trimurti Nakshatra.

  • 1)Srishti (Brahma)
  • 2) Sthiti (Vishnu)
  • 3) Samhara (Mahesh)


1.  Ashwani

4.  Rohini

7.  Punarvasu

10. Magha

13. Hasta

16. Vishaka

19.  Moola

22. Sharwna

25. Purva Bhadra



5. Mrigashira


11.Purva Phalguni



20.Purva Ashadha


26.Uttar Bhadra





12.Uttara Phalguni



21.Uttara Ashadha



We can use the above table to determine the Prakriti (mother nature) of Nakshatra. Nakshatra will act like their Prakriti.

Trimurti concept of Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

Srishti or Brahma Nakshatra quality as per Vedic Astrology

Brahma is the lord of creation. So, Srishti nakshatra will have a natural capacity for creation. They will naturally incline towards the beginning activity. Srishti nakshatra will be full of new sorts of ideas and planning.  

Use of Srishti Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

Srishti Nakshatra is used for any sort of creative activity. New construction activity will be fruitful on the day of Srishti nakshatra. If you want to organize any meeting for planning a new project then you can choose Srishti nakshatra. Srishti nakshatra will be correlated with knowledge. 

Any planet placed in Srishti nakshatra will use its natural significance for creative or constructive activity. We can use the power of the planet for any sort of new creation or starting new ventures.

Use of Sthiti Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

Sthiti nakshatra or Vishnu nakshatra has the natural quality of sustain or maintenance. We frequently correlated Vishnu nakshatra with growth & prosperity. So, Vishnu nakshatra will be natural growth giver stars. They will have natural quality of expansion and continuity.

Planet placed in Sthithi nakshatra will be blessed with the natural quality of Lord Vishnu. So, we can use the natural significance of that planet for growth and expansion. Such as expanding our existing business etc.

Samhara Nakshatra and their uses in Vedic Astrology

Lord Mahesh will be related to Samhara nakshatra. So, Samhara nakshatra will be blessed with lord Shiva. Destruction or dissolution of any work will be considered good in Samhara nakshatra. Samhara nakshatra will be indicating the ending or finishing of any acts.

A planet placed in Samhara nakshatra will have the power of Lord Shiva. So, that planet can use its natural significance for any sort of destructive or dissolving activity. The planet will cause loss, discontinuity or end of any events.    

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