
Panchaka Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

What is Panchak meaning in Vedic Astrology

The word Panchak is related to the last five. So, in astrology, last five nakshatras of the zodiac cycle is grouped as Panchak. Panchak is considered malefic in nature.

Name of Panchak Nakshatra

  1. Dhanishta
  2. Shatabhisha
  3. Purva Bhadrapada
  4. Uttara Bhadrapada
  5. Revati

So, Panchak nakshatra starts from Dhanishta and ends at Revati.

When Panchak start and when Panchak end

Panchak will be starting when the Moon transit to Kumbha (Aquarius) Rashi and ends when the Moon exit from Meena (Pisces) Rashi. This Means Panchak is starting from Dhanishta 3rd pada and ended at Revathi 4th pada.

How many days are Panchak durations

The duration of Panchak is around 5days. Because the Moon transit to 5 nakshatras in 5 days.

So, generally, Panchak will happen once in a lunar month.

5days of Panchaka

What sorts of acts do we avoid during Panchak

Generally, during Panchak, we should avoid travelling towards the south direction. Because the south direction is considered the direction of YAMA.

Apart from this, we should avoid roof construction during Panchak. Even any sort of construction activity related to the roof must be avoided during Panchak.  

Construction of a bed or cot is not considered good during Panchak. Accumulation of wood materials is not considered good during Panchak.

5 Type of Panchak

  1. Rog Panchak – When Panchak start on Sunday then considered as Rog Panchak. Rog Panchak will cause disease. Even if any disease starts on Rog Panchak the intensity of the disease will be high.
  2. Raj Panchak – When Panchak start on Monday then considered Raj Panchak. Raj Panchak is considered beneficial by nature.
  3. Agni Panchak – If Panchak start on Tuesday then considers Agni Panchak. Agni Panchak is causing danger from fire.
  4. Mrityu Panchak – When Panchak start on Saturday then considers as Mrityu Panchak. Mrityu Panchak is creating fear of death.
  5. Chor Panchak – If Panchak start on Friday then known as Chor Panchak. Chor Panchak has danger from a thief.

Panchak and It’s Hypocrisy

Some people have a tendency to create hypocrisy in the name of astrology. Just assumed that we cannot avoid every day of the year when the Moon transit to Aquarius and Pisces. We have to just consider Panchak for travelling in the south direction or other mentioned acts.  So, don’t be in panic in the name of Panchak.

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