What each planet represent in birth chart as per Vedic astrology - Planet Part 5

What relationship each planet represent in Birth chart

When anybody starts learning Vedic astrology then they want to know what planet represent in birth chart as per Vedic astrology. So, first, learn planet and their relationship in Vedic astrology. 

  1. Sun is Karak of Father.
  2. Moon is Karak of Mother.
  3. Mars is Karak of Brother.
  4. Mercury is Karak of Relatives & Friends.
  5. Jupiter is karak of Son & Elders.
  6. Venus is Karak of the wife.
  7. Saturn is Karak of Servents.
  8. Rahu is Karak of grandfather.
  9. Ketu is Karak of the maternal grandfather.

Apart from this in some special uses, Mars is assumed as a husband, Venus is 1st wife. Mercury is 2nd wife & Saturn is 2nd husband. Mercury will be female relatives. Sun will be Karak of Son & Venus will be Karak of a daughter. Mercury will be the Karak of our lover.

We frequently used the relationship of planets during our predictions. Suppose we have to know anything related to Father then we use Sun as significant of Father.

Glances of planet in birth chart as per Vedic astrology

Each planet represents a particular glance in Vedic astrology. 

  • Sun, Mars and Ketu have upwards glance.
  • Saturn & Rahu have a downwards glance.
  • Moon & Jupiter glance straight ahead.
  • Mercury & Venus have sideways glance.

Glances will reflect the nature of planets.  We frequently used this to determine the results.

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Planet & Their ways of rising in birth chart

Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Rahu are head rising planets.  Moon & Ketu will be back rising planet. Sun, Mars & Saturn are feet rising planets.

We can use Such a rising method to determine when they will produce most of their promise results during dasha. For example, Venus will start giving results from starting of his dasha. Moon & Ketu at the middle. But Sun etc at last of his dasha.


Planet & Their Niti or way of dealing in birth chart

In our Vedic astrology, we have 4 sorts of Niti. Sama, Dama, Danda, Bheda. Each planet represents a unique Niti in birth chart. Niti means way of dealing of any matters. 

  • Jupiter & Venus rules Sama Niti. Sama Niti means they will try to handle any matters by way of counselling.
  • Moon rules Dama Niti. Dama means pricing means they try to handle any matters by offering price or paying their cost.
  • Sun & Mars rules Danda Nithi. Danda means punishment. Sun & Mars try to handle any matters by punishment or threatening.
  • Mercury & Saturn will rule Bhed Niti. Bhed means divided. Mercury & Saturn will try to create a division for their profit.

Temper of Planet represent in birth chart

 In our Vedic astrology, each planet represent a unique temper in birth chart.

  • Sun has a Fixed & Steady temper.
  • Moon has a fickle & changeable temper.
  • Mars has a straightforward, violent, angry & rude temper.
  • Mercury has a clever, multitalented & unstable temper.
  • Jupiter has a soft heated, wise, mild temper.
  • Venus has an easy-going & friendly temper.
  • Saturn has a harsh, cruel & hard-hearted temper.
  • Rahu has a hype creator & expert in fishing nature.
  • Ketu has harsh & panic creator nature.

Whenever the 5th house lord and 7th house is either conjunct, or having an exchange with each other, or mutually aspect each other, then this is the prime yoga for love relationship. 

Nature & Character of Planet represent in birth chart

Every planet represents unique quality in the birth chart.  We can use their nature & character to predict about Native. Now, let’s start predicting the nature of the planet using the above significance of planets. Let’s start with Sun.

Planet Sun nature & character in birth chart

Planet Sun belongs to King means the person who has administrative power. King also represent power & position. The planet doesn’t need to give any introduction. Because his presence is enough to create the centre of attraction. King has natural proudness and a royal attitude.

Sun has an upward glance. This Means Sun is ambitious in nature. His ambition is to get more power, position, respect & popularity. He wants everybody to give respect to him without asking any things.

Sun has rulership over souls. Means Sun belongs to any thinks belongs to the spiritual level or inner heart. Sun is the ultimate Karak of our true spirit which is the actual cause of life in our body.

Sun is the Karak of our vitality or health. Sun belongs to our natural strength to fight any sort of disease. Our Aura is also related to Sun. Aura is a natural protector who saves our body from any sort of external attacks of evil energy.

Sun is the Karak of Personality of native. Name, Fame, power & position will be also related to Sun. Promotions will be also related to Sun. Sun will be related with boss & administrative power. In the modern-day we don’t have King, So Sun will be related to Government.

King doesn’t like to be under the control of anyone. So, Sun will show independent nature & behaviours. We can know that a true king will be always a natural leader. So, Sun belongs to natural leadership quality.

6th house belongs to job

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Sun belongs to Satguna. This Means Sun naturally stands for rightness without the worry of outcomes. As Sun is the natural karaka of dharma. Here the dharma of the Sun will be true values of religions beyond the rituals.

Sun is Karak of the temple means Sun has rulership over religious places. We also correlated Sun with God.

Sun will be related to fire elements. Fire elements will be a natural Karak of transformation. Sun is the source of life in this universe. We can correlate Sun with scientific inventions which is helpful for life.

Sun will don’t come under influence of anyone. Sun is Karak of aham or true “I”. Means Sun will be related to own self.

As we know that Sun will be the true source of light in this universe. So, the natural source of light will be related to Sun.  We can say that Sun is the Karak of the source of life.

Planet Moon nature & character in birth chart

Moon will be the queen of the Planet. So, Moon will also belong to royal things. Just like queen Moon belongs to jealousy. Queen will get respect.

Moon is Karak of charity & donations. We can frequently imagine that a queen will easily come under influence of anyone. That’s like Moon will be easily getting influenced by anyone.

Moon will belong to dependency. Planet Moon belongs to instability and fickle attitude. Travelling will be related to Moon. Any things which are happened very fast will be related to Moon.

Democracy & the public will be related to Moon. Moon will be correlated with the current time. Any matters which is related to public dealings belongs to Moon.

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Moon belongs to the mind. Emotions and feelings will be related to Moon. Planet  Moon is very sensitive to nature.

Moon is karaka of Mother. We know that mother has careful nature. She has the responsibility to take care the responsibility of the kids. Moon will be Karak of Milk and foods. Moon is a Karak of nutrition.

Our look or appearance will be related to planet Moon. Any sort of shape & structure will be related to Moon.

Moon will be related to the water element. So, Moon has control over all sorts of natural sources of water. Any sort of water-related activity and water sources will be related to Moon.

Moon will belong to Dama Nithi. So, the nature of Moon to sort out any matters via offering some things or paying the price for his desirable items. They try to avoid disputes.

Moon is related to Satguna. So, Moon will be related to the rightness. He stands with rightness but doesn’t take any action to protect rightness. This Means Moon doesn’t dare to protect the right things.

Moon will belong to the businessman. But they deal in fairways. Nursing is related to Moon. Home or homeland is related to Moon.

Planet Mars nature & character in birth chart

Mars is commander in chief of the planet.  So, Mars will have a warrior nature. He has straight forward nature and is ready for attacks. Mars believe in acting first. He will be ready to follow the instructions.

Mars has violent nature. He will be ready for a fight and believed in front of the war. Means attacked on the front and after warning you. Mars believed in punishment for faults. He doesn’t believe in forgiveness.

Mars has a rude & harsh attitude. He will be in the ego of their power & position. Mars doesn’t accept his defeat in any position. He believed in the fight till the end of his life. Mars is courageous & daring in nature. He believed in adventure.

Planet Mars is extremely independent in nature. If anybody tries to encroach on his independence then he will react in very violent ways. 

Mars is very ambitious and the ambition level is very high. He is too much energetic by nature. Mars will utilise his energy to goal direction. He is too much active in nature.

The negative character of Mars is its impatient attitude. He doesn’t like to wait. That’s why same time creating problems for own self.

Mars has tamas guna. That’s why they don’t think about rightness or morality. Mars will be acting for its profit. He will do anything possible for full fill his desires. But do things in straight forwards.

Mars is Karak of the brother. Planet Mars is also Karak of real estate. Mars is also Karak of our strength or courage or body strength.

Planet Mercury nature & character in birth chart

Planet Mercury is the prince. Prince would like to well maintain himself. So, Mercury likes an organised way of acting. He believed in the outing and playing. The playground will be his favourite place. He wants to show off himself smart than others.

Mercury will be Karak of well-maintained charm. He may be a multitalented person. Mercury is responsible for skills. His way of working will be calculative.

Mercury wants proper accounts from Jupiter. Mercury assumed that he may be over intelligent from Jupiter. Means over intelligence will be a side effect of Mercury.

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Planet Mercury is a natural Karak of memory and intelligence. Because due to earth elements he has a good hold on memory. Mercury will be responsible for all sorts of intellectual acts. Even accounting-related activity will come under Mercury jurisdiction. Mercury is also Karak of current education systems based on degree.

Mercury is the karaka of cleverness. He may be an expert in arguments & tricks. He may be easily able to create a dispute among anyone for his profits. Mercury will be responsible for all sorts of documents.

Mercury is a comedian, speaker & lover. He may be Karak planet for friendship. Mercury tries to avoid serious disputes and exit during any sort of fighting. This means he will be able to create war type situations & conflicts but just take a side place during a war.

Mercury will be responsible for Rajas Gun. So, Mercury will believe in acts based on his profits. Mercury will be the true representation of the current trade and business community.

Planet Jupiter nature & character in birth chart

Jupiter the guru will be in the role of a natural teacher, guide, counsellor or mentor. He is responsible for elders or any respected person who has assumed elders in society.

Jupiter is Karak for wisdom and Knowledge. He has actual knowledge of how to utilise any sort of learning. Jupiter may be in the role of manager & advisor. He may be very good at management.

Jupiter is the karaka of wealth Any sort of money or wealth in the treasury will be related to Jupiter. All sorts of fixed assets will be related to Jupiter. Jupiter will be very good in financial dealings.

Jupiter has comfort & peaceful attitude. He is Karak of all sorts of happiness. Jupiter has a kind & soft attitude. He believes in humanity and is very optimistic in nature. Jupiter believes in forgiveness.  He is a natural Karak of growth.

Jupiter is the priest in the temple. He may be religious and interested in religious activity. Jupiter is well versed in all sorts of shastra. It Means Jupiter is Karak of all sorts of holistic knowledge.

Jupiter has a very good judgemental ability. He doesn’t make the law but knows how to implement the law in the best ways. Jupiter will help the Sun to run his kingdom in very well manners. So, he may be in the role of secretariat officers in the current days.

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Planet Venus nature & character in birth chart

Planet Venus is the liquidity in the current day. How much money in your pocket or credit cards for expenses will be related to Venus. Venus is karak of finace. Any sort of financial transaction related to venus.

Venus has peaceful and very polite nature. He is money minded. Venus believes in luxurious comfort & convenience. He will avoid any sort of dispute & conflicts. Venus is a very soft-spoken person for his self profits.

Venus is Karak of sensual matters. He is Karak of love. Venus will be represented by all sorts of young ladies. Whenever we talked about a sexual relationship then we have to look for Venus. Venus is the karaka of marriage. Venus will be Karak of attraction towards the opposite gender.

Venus will avoid any sort of hard work. He is interested in living like a king regarding comfort matters.  Venus-like to look attractive and fashionable in nature. Venus is Karak of any sort of beauty in this universe.

Venus will be like to maintain ownself. He will be looking younger than his age. Venus has a good sense of humour about colour & fashions.

The planet Venus is also Karak of vehicle & flat in multi-stories apartments. Venus is the Karak of chemical or allopathy medician. We Indians believe that Venus is the planet that can give any sort of hidden Vidhya.

Planet Saturn nature & character in birth chart

Planet Saturn will be the karaka of misfortune. Saturn will represent the sorrow in your life. Any sort of bad incidents will be happened due to Saturn. But this is just basic.

Saturn will be a hard worker. He represents all sorts of working people who work under anyone. Saturn is Karak planet for KARMA. In general ways, we connect Saturn with the profession.

Saturn is known for discipline and rules & regulations. He is the planet that will give the results of our karma (our acts).  Shani will be Karak of Prabhdha karma.

Saturn will be Karak planet for the lower-class community. He has a lack of stability in their faith. Saturn will be cause for division. He is Karnak of demotion & humiliations. 

Saturn will be the natural karaka of death & disease. Planet Saturn has a harsh & cruel attitude. Planet Saturn will look like an old man. He may have a lazy attitude and Karak of delay in astrology.

Saturn has a downward glance. He will be thinking in negative ways. Saturn will be cause for depression & anxiety. Due to air elements, they may be restless in nature and don’t be show a steady attitude.

Saturn likes loneliness in nature. Planet Saturn will also cause durability. This means long run events will be caused due to Saturn.

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Planet Rahu nature & character in birth chart

In our ideology, Rahu will be the head of the demon who is rotating continuously. Rahu will be karak of unceranity. He is cause for travelling, especially foreign travelling.  Rahu is restless in nature.

Rahu will be a hype creator. He will be creating the illusion. Rahu is Karak of all sorts of secret or hidden matters. We also correlated Rahu with all unseen matters.

Rahu is considered powerful just like an unguided missile. This means he will be powerful but lacks the determination to utilise his power.

Rahu is smart and correlated with modern technology just like a computer. Rahu will show a modern attitude. He may be very smart and an expert in fishing others. Rahu is fraudent in nature. Rahu is Karak of infrosament or jail.

Planet Rahu is Karak or evil energy or spirits. Rahu can be also related to black magic and tantra. Rahu will be Karak of imaginations and magicians. He will have the power to search for things that are not visible to anyone. Means karak of invenstions.

Rahu has a pleasant and attractive voice. He may be a false speaker. Rahu will speak lie in such ways that no one easily catches his lie. He nay is an expert in fakeness.

Rahu is the planet of attachment. He gives attachment to the materialistic world. Rahu will be Karak of sweet poison.

Rahu is Karak of fears. He will believe to escape when danger on himself. Rahu will own show braveness but lack internal strength. This means Rahu believe in bulfbazi.

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Planet Ketu nature & character in birth chart

Planet Ketu is a natural karaka of detachment. This Means Ketu will cause a loss of materialistic happiness. Ketu will be the actual Karak of sorrow in this materialistic world. Generally, in prediction we underestimate Ketu but I would like to advise that focus on Ketu before prediction.

Ketu will be Karak of panic in mind. Planet Ketu will give extreme stress.  He has a harsh & rude attitude. Ketu will explore the bitter truth of anyone in front of him. That’s why Ketu will cause problem creator in any sort of relationship.

Ketu is a natural Karak of separation. He will give results very quickly. Ketu will be creating fights & disputes among anyone. He doesn’t want to leave but is ready for do & die.

Ketu will cause cuts and accidents. His way of punishment is very painful. Ketu will cause for impulsive attitude.

Planet Ketu will show idealism. He believes in showing off. Even he is not so much ideal from nature. But speak very long for the rightness or idealistic nature.

Ketu is natural karak of sprituality. Planet Ketu will be known for liberation. Ketu will be inclined towards gaining internal knowledge about ownself.

Planet Ketu will be cause for fantasy. Native can suffer from fantaism due to Ketu.  Ketu can cause suffering due to evil energy or bad tantra.

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