Nakshatra & Profession

Vedic Nakshatra & Profession as per Birth Horoscope

Vedic Nakshatra & Profession from your birth horoscope

Ascendant Nakshatra, Moon nakshatra and 10th house lord nakshatra will give an indication about the profession of Native. Below is the list of Vedic Star & Profession as per Birth Horoscope

Physicians, Adventure work, Sports related jobs, Military & Force, Law-related work, Medicine related Jobs, Research type work

Singing & Dancing, Acting, Painting, Surgeons, Administration, Experimental jobs, Businessman, Lawyer, nursing, Female caretaker, Gynecologist

Administration, Leaders, Astronomers, Medical, Yarn, Big MNC, Fire department, Explosive, Carpenter, Weapons, Inventory, Spiritual work, Armed Force & Police, War, Battles, Army, Disputes especially violent type, Butcher, Tailors, Barbers, Sharp device maker, Drilling (Downward direction indicating that’s why), Engineering, Lawyers, Material related to the artist, Discovers type work, Metaphysicians, Skilled magicians, Gold & Wealth related work.

Rohini Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Agriculture & agriculture activity, Fertility, Laborious work, Milk products, creative directors, Model, Fashion designer, Art related jobs, Imaginative jobs, Advertisement, Photography, Editing, Writing, Marketing, Singing, Dancing, Musicians, Jewelry designing etc.

Mrigashira Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology 

Writer, Researcher, Architect, Administration, Actor, Music, Teacher, Poets, Astrologer, Engineers, Communicators, Real Estate, Travel related jobs, Textiles, Garments, Tailors, Animal’s trainer.

Adra Nakshatra Related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Transport, Communication, Trade & commerce, financial jobs, Shipping industry, Water-related profession, Merchant navy, Communications industry, Double mining comedian, Chit fund jobs, fraudulent jobs, Politicians, Salesperson, Destructive jobs, atomic research, Research-based on the virus, virology, medicine jobs, medical line jobs

Punarvasu Nakshatra Related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Spiritual teacher, Priests or temple related activity, Religious activity, Psychologist, Mystic, Philosopher, Recreation activity, Architecture, Civil Engineer, New innovation, Maintenance work, Writing, Scientists, Acting, Drama

Pusya Nakshatra Related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Agriculture merchant, religious leaders, Spiritual teacher, Philosopher, Advisors, Counselling, Psychologist, Planner, Developer, Development activity, Research, R&D activity, Administration, Politics, Teacher, Professor, geologists & Biologists.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Astrology & occults related profession, Politics, Business, Law-related work, Entertainment, Poison related work, Snake related profession, Mysticism

Magha Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Leader, Politicians, Big MNC, Authority jobs, Head in Administration, Actor, Jude, Manager, Lawyers, Historians, Chair & luxurious furniture related profession

Purbphalguni Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology 

Marriage related work, wedding planner, Illegal work, psychological work, Researcher, Administration, Hotel, Modelling, Acting, Music, Sales, Automobile, Sex-related work

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Scientific Research, Astronomy, Astrology, Military related jobs, Armed force, social worker, Media, Acting, Writing, Sales, Business, Financial services

Vedic Nakshatra & Profession in birth chart

Hasta Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Artistic work related to Mechanical work, Carpenter, Artistic, Palmistry, Magicians, Thief, Technical, Skill worker, Enterprising, Business, Counseling, Consultancy, Meditating, Healing, Spiritual activity, administrative work with power, politics, Mediator or such type jobs.

Chitra Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Acting, Model, Cinema industry, Rangmanch, Photography, Writing, Painting, Musician, Designer, Jewelry, Interior designer, Room decorators, Mechanical designing, Architecture Engineering, Project manager, Judicial, TV anchor, corporate manager, Priests, Horticultural, the Beauty industry

Swati Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Astrology, Business, Sales, Stock market, Drugs, Alcohol, Finance, Legal, Gold business, Traveling, Mechanical Engineer, Acting

Vishaka Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Politics, authority Jobs, High responsibility works, Self-Business, Research activity, Scientist, Mathematicians, Teaching jobs, Leader jobs, Military Leaders, Energetic work, Multitasking jobs

Anuradha Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Spirituality, meditation, religious activity, Mathematician, Scientist, Engineer, Astrology, Trip adviser, Tourism, Travel, Mining, Administrative jobs, Leader

Jyeshta Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Self-employed, Management, Acting, Drama, Music, Writers, Modeling, Leader, Military leader, Detective services, Astrology, Occult services, Philosopher, Engineer, Security, trap & tricks related to service, Gaming

Moola Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Adviser, Self-business, Self-employment, Research, Science, Religious work, Writer, Spiritual, Teacher, Lawyer, Politics, Doctors, Pharma, Investigator, root or herbs related profession

Purvashada Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic astrology

Philosopher, Writer, Teachers, Science, Medicine, Fine arts, Debaters, Lawyers, Travel industry, Profession associated with water such as Shipping, Boating, Politicians

Uttarashada Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Architectural work, Engineering, Industry, Mechanical jobs, Force, Administration, Politics, Spirituality, healing

Shravana Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Engineer, Medical, Science, an Art form of education, Any education line such as teacher, school, Oil & petroleum field, Astrology, Religious scholars, Politicians, Geologist, News broadcaster, Recording, Storytellers, Speaker

Dhanishta Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Managerial post, Group activity, Musician, Poets, Military bands, Drum bands, Reciters of prayers, Medical surgeon, surgery, Doctor, Researcher, Scientific researcher, Real estate, Mining, Charitable organization, Army, police, astrology

Profession related to Shatabhisha Nakshatra as per Vedic Astrology

Medical stream, Doctor, Medical research jobs, Biotechnology, R&D jobs in uncurable disease, Chemotherapy, Psychology, Astrology, Astronomy, Aircraft industry, Rocket science, Politics, Healing, Business, Black magic, Tantric, Chemist, Liquor industry, Smuggling, Mafia, Electricity, Writer, Nuclear scientist

Profession related to Purvabhadra pad as per Vedic Astrology

Administrative service, Teacher, Business, Scientific research, Writing, Astrology, Astronomy, Scripture analysis, Militant, Secret activity, Secret agent, Criminal, Mafia, Terrorist sleeper cell, Spiritual activist

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Import & Export, Teachers, Philosopher, Travel industry, Charity organization, Astrologer, Mystical work, Religious work, Building construction, Speaker or speaking related work.

Revati Nakshatra related Profession as per Vedic Astrology

Scientific Research, Archaeology, Ancient history, Poetry, Writing, Literature, Administration, Astrology, Astronomy, Film Actor, Comedian, Charitable work, Religious activities, Mystical work, Journalists, Travel, Clock/calendar Maker

We can utilize this table to find the Profession related to Nakshatra.

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