Shayanadi Awastha Of Planet

There are 12 awastha of planet based on their activity. Name of awastha is given below and i will write meaning of words use for awastha

  • 1)Shyana – Meaning is taking rest as sleeping
  • 2)Upvaishan – Meaning is sitting down
  • 3)Naitrapani – Meaning is touching eyes by hands
  • 4)Prakashan – Meaning is shinning like light
  • 5)Gamana – Meaning is going to any where
  • 6)Agaman – Meaning is coming from may where
  • 7)Sabhavasa – Meaning is joining assembly or meeting of group
  • 8)Aagam – Meaning is coming to join any assembly
  • 9)Bhojan – Meaning is taking food  
  • 10)Nrityalipsa – Meaning is preparing for dancing
  • 11)Kautuka – Meaning is just in excitement 
  • 12)Nindra – Meaning is sound sleep
Method Of Calculations Of Awastha 

Before knowing the calculations method first we understand some things.

  • 1)We know that Nakshtra is 27 and we follow sequence Ashwani to Revati. We use Ashwani for 1, Bharni for 2 and so on Revathi for 27. Number is represent by N.
  • 2)We use Sun for 1, Moon for 2, Mars for 3 , Mercury for 4, Jupiter for 5, Venus for 6 , Saturn for 7, Rahu for 8 and ketu for 9 as number of planet. Number is represent by P.
  • 3)As we know that every sign is dived into 9 navansh. So 1st navansh means 0 to 3°20′ is 1 at navansh and 26° 40′ to 30° is 9th navansh. You may also find it by knowing Nakshatra pad. As we know that every sign has 9 pad of Nakshatra. So just knowing in which pad of Nakshatra planet is placed you may know it. For example Mars in kritika 1st pad in Aries sign means Mars in 9th navansh in Aries sign. Amsa number is represt by A.
  • 4)Lagan sign number means Aries for 1 and Pieces for 12. Lagan sign is represnt by L.
  • 5)Istghati means in which Ghati native is born. In our vedic system one days means 60 Ghati. Our day start from Sun rise and end at next Sun rise. Istghati means which is running at time of birth. 1 Ghati is equal to 24 minutes. So find out istghati, you must have knowledge about Sunrise on the day of birth. Now find time passed from Sunrise to time of birth. Now convert it into ghati. Istghati number is represent by G.
  • For example a native born in 21/07/1985 at 8:15 am where Sunrise on that day @ 5:11 am.
  • So time passed from Sunrise to birth time is 3 hour 4 minutes. Means 184 minutes.
  • Convert it into Gati by dividing 24 then we get 7Gati and 16 minutes. So 8 Gati running.
  • So we use Istgati as 8.
  • 6)Birth nakshatra means nakshatra where Moon is placed and represt by 1 to 27. Moon nakshatra number is represent by M.

Now Method Of Calculations of finding awastha of planet
  • 1) Multiply with Nakhshatra number (where planet is placed) with Planet number( which awastha we have to know) — N X P
  • 2)Now multiply above results with Navansh number of planet( in which navansh number planet is placed)— {N X P } X A
  • 3)Now add above results with birth nakshatra number (in which nakshatra number Moon is placed) —– [{N X P} X A ] + M
  • 4)Now add IstgHati number and lagan number with above results. —– [{N X P} X A ] + M +G +L
  • 5) Now divide above results with 12 and note the remainder. —–[ [{N X P} X A ] + M +G +L]/12 . Remainder will be Awastha number and Represent by Aw
Number of reminder will be awastha of planet. According to below
  • 1)Shyan 
  • 2)Upvaishan
  • 3)Naitrapani
  • 4)Prakashan 
  • 5)Gamana
  • 6)Agaman
  • 7)Sabhavasa
  • 8)Aagam 
  • 9)Bhojan 
  • 10)Nrityalipsa
  • 11)Kautuka 
  • 12)Nindra  

In short Formula of awastha 

Aw = [(N × P × A) + (M + G + L)]\12 = Note Reminder which gives awastha.

AW = Awastha, N= Planet’s nakshatra number , A = Navansh amasa number, P= Number of Planet, M = Birth star number, G = Istgati running, L = Lagan sign number.

This is most importance awastha stage of planet. That’s why sage parasara write effect of each planet in shyanadi awastha.

Let’s take a example chart

For finding awastha of planet 

Sun in Pushya Nakhshatra. Moon in ashwani. Istghati running is 8. Lagan is Leo .

[(8 × 1 ×2) + (1 + 8 + 5)]/12 = 30/12 = reminder is 6. 

So Sun in Agaman awastha.

Moon in ashwani nakshatra.

Aw = [(1 ×2× 2)+ (1+8+5)]\12 = 18/12 = reminder is 6.

So Moon in Agaman awastha.

Mars in Vishaka nakshatra.

Aw= [(16×3×8)+ 14]\12 = 398/12 = remaining 2 

Mars in Upvaishan awastha.

Mercury in Ashlesha Nakhshatra. 

Aw= [ (9× 4× 9)+ 14]\12 = 338/12 =  remaining 2 

Mercury in Upvaishan awastha. 

Jupiter in Moola nakshatra.

Aw = [(19×5×4) + 14]\12 = 394/12 = reminder 10

Jupiter in Nrityalipsa awastha. 

Venus in Pushya Nakhshatra.

Aw = [(8×6× 5)+ 14]\12= 254/12= reminder 2 

Venus in Upvaishan awastha.

Saturn in Swati Nakshatra. 

Aw = [(15×7×5) + 14]\12 = 539/12 = reminder 11 

Saturn in Kautuka awastha.

Rahu in Rohini nakshatra. 

Aw = [(4× 8× 4)+ 14]\12= 142/12 = remaining 10

Rahu in Nrityalipsa awastha.

Ketu in Anuradha Nakhshatra.

Aw= [(17×9×4)+ 14]\12= 626/12 =  reminder 2.

Ketu in Upvaishan awastha.

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