Impact of Date of Birth 1 Or Personality Number 1

Effect of Numerology on people born on 1st day of any calendar month

1) People with date of birth is 1st day of any calendar month belongs to number 1. Number 1 belongs to Sun so those native has huge impact of Sun in their life.

2) Native may be independent and self proudful in nature. Native may be ambitious by nature. He has strong mentality and willpower. He may be naturally brave and courageous.

3) Native may be active and responsible but doesn’t follow any sort of restriction. He may be kind and helpful by nature. But this doesn’t means he will be purely polite by nature. He may be harsh for those people who don’t follow him. He has modern attitude and never fix own self in any sort of boundaries.

4) Native has leadership quality. He want to rules others in place of ruled by others. He wants to become boss where he is living or working. He will be center of attraction due to their activity and nature. He may be strong on his decision. He has very clear cut approach towards any point( either it may be right or wrong for others). He never rolls back his decision.

5)Native has firm and rigid nature. He may be shows harsh attitude. So due to his nature, he has many enemies and back fighter. Even he has also many supporter and public support. He doesn’t express his internal feeling publically. He may has some proudness which may be converted to his ego as per as situations. He may getting victory over his enemies. His power may be naturally mentioned everywhere.

6) Native may be getting good success in his life. If he try to focus his goal then he may definitely improve his qualities. He may be very confident when he is speaking or addressing any one. He may be power seeker. He may be famous and popular among own circle.

7) Native may has good interest in high level politics. He may has contact with higher authority and person. He may be follow by his friends and public.

8) Native born on 1st day of any month can be getting success in administration jobs, goverment contract or goverment jobs, politics, social activity, public dealing jobs. He may be getting success in medical stream or jobs. He may be success in sells. He may be getting success in gold business. He may be getting success in planning or decision making committee.

9) Native may be suffering from blood pressure or mental stress. He may be suffering from fever or head pain. He may be suffering from bones related issues. He may be suffering from eye sight problem.

10) Number 1 has favorable day is Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. His favorable date is 1, 10, 19 and 28. His supportive number is 2, 3, and 9 so date having total number is 2, 3, 9 may be also supportive for him. His supportive month will be 21 july to 28 Aug( when Sun transit to leo sign) means Leo transit solar month.

11)Native’s lucky stone will be Manik or ruby. His another favorable stone are yellow sapphire or yellow topaz or amber or sun stone or yellow diamond. His metal will be gold or copper. His lucky color will be saffron or orange. His favorable colour is light yellow or bright yellow or bright white.

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