Astrological causes of infertility

Astrological Causes Of Infertility as per Vedic astrology

How to know the horoscope is making astrological causes of infertility

We have already discussed astrological parameters for children, best astrological combination for the kid, worst astrological combination for the kid, perfect timing for the planning of a kid and fertility rate of couples. Today we discussed astrological causes of infertility.

I would like to request you to read my previous blog post to understand medical astrology for children.

Popular Astrological causes of infertility or problems in sexual organs

Our Vedic astrology has many astrological proven combinations which will causes of infertility in sexual organs. When a native has issues in their sexual organs then definitely facing problems regarding conceive.

Venus & Ketu conjunction will cause blockage in the fallopian tube

When Venus is conjunct with Ketu or trine from Ketu then, the wife of native or female may be suffering from ladies problem. Venus & Ketu conjunction may cause issues in a fallopian tube. Sometimes, Ketu may cause blockage in the tube.

Combust Venus will be cause of infertility due to lack of sperms counting in male chart

When in a male chart, Sun and Venus will be in close conjunction within 3 degrees in a male chart. Then such a person may be suffering from a lack of sperms. So, this may cause of infertility in the male horoscope. 

Astrological combination for irregular menstruation phase in a woman

  • If Moon, Mars & Venus have a relationship with Rahu then women may have an irregular Menstruation phase.
  • When all 3 planets Moon, Mars & Venus has associated with Rahu in the Nadi relationship ( trine or 7th) then the lady may be suffering from ladies problem related to the irregular menstruation phase.

Neuter planet prime causes of infertility

  • We know that Saturn, Mercury & Ketu is Neuter planet. Neuter planet will be prime causes of infertility in the horoscope. 
  • The 5th house, 3rd house & 7th house has an important role in childbirth.
  • When any of two neuter planets are placed in the 5th house, 3rd house or 7th house then the chart may have issues of non-fertility problems.
  • In the same ways, two neuter planets in Beeja sphuta or Kshetra Sphuta or at Putra Saham can give a negative effect on the Fertility of the native.

Planet Sun is the prime Karak of life in this universe

If you think in theoretical ways then Sun doesn’t have a direct relationship with children. But Sun is the actual source of life in this universe. That’s why Sun is assigned with Beeja in our Vedic astrology. Any negative influence on Sun will be considered bad for children.

  • In a male chart when 7th & 2nd-12th from Sun will be Saturn & Mars then native may be suffering from weakness regarding male power. 
  • When Sun will be conjunct with Saturn & aspected by Mars then not considered good for fertility power of Man. 
blessing of children in the life v/s infertility

Pitru Dosha Causes of infertility in the horoscope

  • When in the horoscope Sun has Nadi relationship (trine or 7th from) with Saturn, Rahu & Ketu then creating malefic dosha like Pitru dosha.
  • Pitru dosha in Lagna, 5th, & 9th will be considered more harmful.
  • If such Pitru dosha will be in close conjunction or trine relationship degree wise then consider more dangerous in the chart. 
  • Pitru dosha in the chart may cause issues regarding childbirth. 

Moon the mother of the universe

We know that Moon is the Karak of Mother. As a mother, we can’t ignore the role of the Moon in the chart. Moon will be governing force behind the water. Just like Sun, we can’t imagine life without the water.

Moon is the Karak of Kshetra or Uterus or womb in the chart. Any astrological problem to Moon may cause uterus related issues to women.

  • When Moon conjunct with Mars and aspected with Saturn in the female chart then that lady may be suffering from issues related to Uterus.
  • In the same ways, Moon conjunct with Saturn and aspected by Mars then the lady may be suffering from issues related to their uterus. 
  • We can also expect the same results in a female horoscope when the 7th, 2nd & 12th from Moon has Saturn and Mars.  

When Moon conjuncts or trine with Ketu in female horoscope then ladies may be suffering from a disease. If such combination happened in the 6th house, 7th house, 8th house, scorpion sign or Capricorn sign then a chance of crocked uterus will be more possible.

Some classical astrological causes of Infertility in woman

When all of the below combinations will be satisfied in the woman horoscope then cause infertility in the woman. 

  1. Saturn in trine or ascendant
  2. Venus in 7th house in watery sign (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces sign)
  3. And that Venus placed in the last navamsa of watery sign
  4. Same time no beneficial planet will be associated with the 5th house & 5th house lord then cause infertility in that woman.
  5. Note this combination will be only possible in Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo ascendant chart.
infertility may cause stress

Let’s look at another classical astrological cause of infertility in a woman

  • When 1st house, 7th house, 12th house has a natural malefic planet
  • And weak moon ( Amavasya or debilitated or influence with another malefic) planet in 5th house
  • No beneficial planet has a relationship with the 5th house & 5th house lord then a lady may be suffering from infertility. 
  • If all of the above conditions are satisfied in a woman then she may be an infertile woman. 

A classical example for infertility in the horoscope either male or woman

  • If debilitated 5th house lord placed in 6th, 8th 0r 12th house
  • 5th house has two neuter planets (Saturn, Mercury & Ketu)
  • then such native mat is suffering from infertility. 
  • But make sure no beneficial planet aspects on 5th house. 

We can make 100 such combinations if our basics in astrology are clear.

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